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Tips On How to Protect Computer From Hacking: By Irem Bright Chimezie
The number of cybercrimes (cyber security issues) including computer hacking and identity thefts are increasing day by day. You are required to take adequate precautionary measures to protect yourself against such menaces.

Here are some key tips on how to prevent hacking.
#1 Make sure that you have up to date antivirus software installed in your computer and it is enabled. Most of the basic threats could be avoided by ensuring this primary level of protection enabled in your computer. The antivirus software that you install should have real time protection so that threats could be stopped before they manifest themselves in your computer.

#2 If you have been looking for ways and means on how to prevent hacking on your computer then make it a point to keep your computer firewalls on all the time in your computer. Do not allow too many exceptions to your firewall.
#3 The third level of protection that you should implement when you are looking for ways on how to prevent computer hacking is by installing an antispyware program in your computer. You can choose an antivirus program that also protects your computer from spyware. What spyware programs do is to send out data to unauthorized third parties regarding your online behavior and sensitive information from your computer such as user names and passwords, credit card details and banking information. They result in identity thefts. If you want to prevent identity theft, it is important to install a powerful antispyware in your computer.

#4 Enable automatic OS updates. Regardless of whether you are using Windows or MAC OS, you need to ensure that your operating system is updated regularly. These updates may not essentially change the way how your computer or laptop works but it better equips your computer from external threats. These updates also fine tunes your computer’s operations. Many people disable their regular Windows or MAC updates thinking them as nuisance. If that is what you too are doing, immediately change your settings to automatic updates.
#5 It is not enough to surf the web checking for information on ‘how to protect computer from hacking’ what is more important is to cultivate healthy browsing habits. You should not download files from random sources. Most importantly, never download anything when your antivirus and your spyware software programs are down in your computer.

#6 If you do not have the habit of switching off your computer or laptop, then it is high time that you cultivate that habit. Switch off your device when you are not using it and in particular, it is a good practice to switch off your device when you go to bed. This will deter the hackers and attackers because when you switch of your device it breaks the connection and prevents the hackers from having unlimited or ongoing access to your system. So pulling off the plugs is equally important.
Do not think that these are simple tips and hence you could ignore them. They are simple and easy to follow tips but highly effective in preventing hackers from getting into your computer.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.