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antivirus software for computer smartphone protection

It's pretty amazing how complex the subject of anti-virus programs can seem to be. It can be so very complicated that for most people it's almost impossible to figure it out. But for most people it's not necessary or even important to figure out all the technical details. You just need to know in general how they injure you so you can make the best decisions on what you personally need to remain unhacked and safe.

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Maybe you are a serious person who uses a complex computer system for self-employment purposes and perhaps you have a small business with a computer system plus a highly interactive web site. In either case you really need to do a proper analysis to determine exactly how you are threatened and to take action before you are violated. Not after, Before. But don't even consider buying anything until you understand what you need and what the product that you are considering will do to keep you safe.

Let me back up a minute. Those familiar with my posts know that I tend to use terms like viruses and malware and not differentiate between them. I realize that is technically incorrect but feel that most people are not IT engineers and have no need for the difference. But for you purists out there let me print this: "Let's start with the differences between"viruses" and "malware." Viruses are a specific type of malware (designed to replicate and spread), while malware is a broad term used to describe all sorts of unwanted or malicious code. Malware can include viruses, spyware, adware, nagware, trojans, worms, and more. Aug 21, 2013" This from

OK. Enough of that.
Any of us who use the internet can benefit from knowledge about the various anti-virus programs. These are more than helpful, they are a particularly vital type of program to save all your hard work. You use this to stay safe while doing whatever your business online is. Any time you access websites, you are open to the malcontents who will purposely infect your computer system. They may be doing this in order to gather information from you or even to spy on what you are doing. Or maybe just for bragging rights.

Good News: Effective anti-virus and malware protection is available.
You can protect yourself from the viruses or malware by installing a serious anti-virus program. In fact, do not even consider accessing the web without installing a cyber security program on both your home and/or business computer system. And I realize that there are a number of free downloads available and I also say that you generally get what you pay for so if you get a cyber security program for zero then that is probably what it is worth. Exactly.

Now I know most you are not IT engineers so I am going to keep it simple:
Types of Computer System Anti-virus Systems
  1. AVG. This is one of the most popular of the anti-virus programs. This type is especially among those available in those free download directly from a number of web sites located on the internet. It does not take up a gigantic amount of space on your hard drive. It also will work with a number of different Windows operating systems. It often contains both anti-virus abilities as well as anti-spyware. It manages to work by scanning all the files on your computer at regular intervals. It also has the ability to quarantine certain virus files so that they cannot do any serious damage before they can be checked out and then deleted.

  2. McAfee: This is a VirusScan and is the second most popular anti-virus program for many years running. This popularity has permitted the company manufacturing it to really cement their position as a really strong competitor to Symantec. It possesses spyware as well as virus protection within the one program instead of separately as most programs do.. When you buy it you will need to buy a subscription but that will enable you to have access to continuously updating virus protection.

  3. Norton: You will find a number of Norton anti-virus programs available and they are produced by Symantec. This is a businesslike group of products that have proven to be market leaders in computer security systems. They have products available from a range of different electronics supply stores. You will find that a majority of computer users on the market purchase Norton products and pay an annual fee for a subscription service. These are serious software programs that search your computer system regularly and delete any viruses and malware that they might find.

  4. Kaspersky: This is a Russian developed product and is not the most popular of all the anti-virus programs. Most of you have probably never even heard of them. However, they are quite effective for protection against viruses, malware, spyware, and even Trojans. Both Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Antivirus programs prevent problems that computers will encounter in the event that they become infected.

  5. Ad Aware: This software is by a company called Lavasoft. It is another anti-virus program and it provides protection against a large number of cyber security threats that arise when you use the Internet. The programs offer different levels of protection according to how much you might desire to spend in a one-time payment for their programs. These programs, in addition to finding and removing viruses and malware and spyware, can also detect key strokes and passwords, and it will protect against Trojans. I understand that improvements in their anti-malware technology allow it to provide very effective computer protection while not putting excessive pressure on your computer system.
Thank you for coming.
[] is putting together an innovative network of cyber security products designed to fit the needs of computer system owners, but especially commercial arrangements with web sites. By utilizing this design format, individual owners can begin a program of computer security, utilizing products based on their own individual needs. This program will enable owners to build, at their own financial pace, a system of near complete safety.

viruses,malware,anti-virus,computer systems 

how you can delete facebook password reset confirmation virus stop identity theft through phishing e mails

How to Delete Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Virus - Stop Harassing Phishing E-Mails Easily
By Bob L Walker

Whether it's a 'Facebook Password Reset Confirmation' e-mail or and 'Update Your Information' e-mail, it can difficult to tell what is a legitimate message and what is a phishing e-mail. The problem with phishing e-mails is that they are designed by hackers who hope to trick you into sending them your log-in details, your password details, and worse, such as your bank account numbers and other sensitive information. Without adequate protection, millions of people are affected by stolen identity and stolen funds every year due to phishing sites and phishing e-mails. Let's understand how to keep our computers clean and our identities safe.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

The most common phishing e-mail as of late is the 'Facebook Password Reset Confirmation', because Facebook has quickly become one of the world's most popular websites. This means more people are available to be tricked, and hackers use their wall posts, their private messaging, and more to send strange shortened URLs that lead their friends and families to websites loaded with spyware, keyloggers, and viruses, just waiting to be downloaded. The threats are out there, and they are real. It's no longer safe to browse through e-mail messages and click links without adequate protection.

In the Facebook e-mail example, the message will read as follows: "Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed. You can find your new password in attached document. Thanks, The Facebook Team." The problem is, that the attachment that is supposed to contain your new password instead installs a piece of malware on your system, which will block your programs and take control of your PC.

To remove the Facebook Password Reset Confirmation virus, you will have to stop the process labeled "isqsys32.exe" and delete the wiaservg.log and isqsys32.exe files in your %AppData% and %Programs% folders. You must use extra care when deleting system files, however, because if you delete the wrong file you will end up paying hundreds of dollars in PC technician fees.

Because of the risks involved, I suggest automatic removal software. The programs that I use, and that my clients use, are lightweight, and super-effective. The best part about automatic removal tools is that they will protect you as you surf the web and as you download files in the future. You will be alerted instantly when you are on an unsafe site or have downloaded an unsafe file. No more threats of identity theft and monetary theft.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

Tired of risking your safety and security due to phishing e-mails and phishing sites? []Remove Facebook Password Reset Virus quickly and safely; start with a free scan at my website.

Bob Walker is a veteran IT consultant with over twenty years of experience in the industry. He's helped clean up the computers of everyone from fortune 500 organizations to individual users and families. His website is dedicated to anti-spyware and virus removal research, where he ranks the most efficient anti-spyware and anti-virus programs currently available.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

Article Source: [] How to Delete Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Virus - Stop Harassing Phishing E-Mails Easily

facebook password reset confirmation,facebook fake email,facebook phishing email,facebook virus

how to stop identity theft crimes online

Say No to Identity Theft - Things to Look Out For to Prevent Identity Theft Crimes
By Tina L Douglas

It cannot be stressed enough how important is vigilance in the your drive towards evading identity theft. Constant vigilance is the key in reducing the risk of you becoming prey to these criminals. You can't rely on luck nor can you rely on skills.

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But what should we be vigilant about? Here are some points that need your constant vigilance:

Your Credit Reports.

You need to constantly monitor your credit report from all three credit bureaus. The law provides that each individual consumer can request for one free credit card report every year. As these reports are updated quarterly, you have to request for your credit reporting in between then. What you can do is to request one credit report from one bureau, and after four months, request another from another bureau until you have requested one copy from each credit agency after every four months. This will allow you to monitor your credit report thrice a year, as compared to other consumers who do so only once. If something fishy happens with your credit report or if there are unauthorized entries in your credit report, you will be able to detect it immediately as compared to people who have to wait for the following year to request for another copy of their credit report.

If in any case your identity is stolen and the identity theft criminal has contacted various firms to apply for a loan, these firms will definitely run a credit check on you. Their names then would be reflected in your credit report, as firms that are performing background checks on you. If you monitor your credit report closely, you will immediately detect if another person is inquiring in your behalf so you can immediately put a stop to it.

If you are a military personnel and you need to go out of the country for a long period, place a fraud alert or a security freeze on your social security number with any of the credit card bureau. This will ensure that no new credit cards will be opened while you are gone as well no new loans, mortgages, and even jobs will be applied for under your name.

Your Credit Card Statement.

You also need to closely monitor your credit card statement. You have to first know at what time of the month does it usually arrive and it should arrive at approximately the same time every month that will follow. This will ensure that your credit card statement is being sent to you directly and no one is taking a peek at it before you do. Other than that fact, you should also keep the receipts that you incurred whenever you make any purchase or payments with your credit card. These receipts should be cross-checked with the charges that you incurred for that billing month. If there are any other charges that you do not recognize, then you need to immediately contact your credit card company and report the discrepancy for a potential identity theft crime.

Tina L. Douglas is a skilled writer from California. With numerous experiences in the field of writing for several financial institutions, she is greatly qualified across a variety of economic issues. Her notable pieces of writing involve identity theft protection [].

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Article Source: [] Say No to Identity Theft - Things to Look Out For to Prevent Identity Theft Crimes

identity protection, identity theft protection, identity theft

email phone number background checks and how it can assist in preventing online identity theft

Preventing Online Identity Theft Through E-mail, Phone-Number Background Checks

Background Checks and How it Can Help Prevent Identity Theft
By Toddy Martin
Finding the right credit card can be tough. You will need to do background checks and other measures just to make sure that you will not lose your money. But there is one very important background check that you will need to do that can definitely save you and your money.

Checking whether or not the personal information you give out is safe with a certain credit agency is the most crucial part in deciding where you should start up an account. The reason why this is so important is because there are a lot of cases of identity theft cases all over the world that have happened and are in fact still happening at this very moment, as it is said that in every 3 seconds, one account is hacked and one person is victimized.

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What exactly is identity theft?

Identity theft is a crime that can happen to anyone with an account in fact not only over the internet, but also in basic accounts such as medical insurances, driver's licenses and the like. As long as you put out personal information then you are at risk.

Identity thieves will use your name and pretend to be you so that they can use and eat up all the benefits they can get under your name. This will not only eat your money up, but it can also leave a bad impression under your name. Just as with your driver's license. If an identity thief gets a hold of your license and the thief is a traffic violator, then of course all the ticket will be charged under your name and the bad record belongs to you.

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One of the most dangerous things a credit identity thief can do is to have control of your credit card account and information. This will definitely cost you a lot of money as they can easily give out your credit card number and buy anything they want over the internet. This is very dangerous as once it is not stopped; it can even lead to bankruptcy.

Another thing is using up your medical insurance benefits and not leaving anything for you. Medical insurance can be a bit pricey because nowadays, medical services are very expensive. But once identity thieves get control of your medical insurance, everything you paid for will go to waste or to someone else. So always be sure to check regularly your credit account to make sure that none of these will happen to you, and if it does happen, you are able to stop it immediately. []Reporting identity theft is not an easy task to do especially when you are still struggling with ways of how to get []identity theft protection. For more information about credit identity fraud, visit

Article Source: [] Background Checks and How it Can Help Prevent Identity Theft

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how business owners can prevent identity theft

What Are Businesses Doing To Prevent Identity Theft?
By Ashley K

Read How to Prevent Identity Theft by Discovering the hackers behind Phishing e-mails and phone calls.
As the market is growing digitally, every company is stockpiling as much information related to customer as they can get and keeping their records in order to make their services and products better for their customers. But this has also given rise to the threat of identity theft especially to the business which accumulates customers' personally identifiable information (PII) - it includes credit card numbers, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, etc. Since these data helps the business in crafting the sales strategies, especially of credit or loans, and in generating data related to employment. This collected information usually company stores in hard disks or maintain database over networks such as internet. All these information containers are vulnerable and malevolent hackers sometimes succeeds in stealing those private data and that leads to identity theft - a criminal activity that involves stealing of personal information to get the access of their financial accounts and using credit cards or take out loans etc.

Not only private companies suffer from such threats but several govt. offices also come under the same radar. Recently Numerous Chinese internet users turned to virtual private network or "VPN" services to shirk "Great Firewall of China" - designed by Chinese government to hinder citizens from accessing certain abhorrent websites that they reckoned objectionable. RSA Research has claimed Chinese hackers are using VPN services as a platform to launch cyber-attacks while covering the original identity of the attackers. RSA dubbed it as "Terracotta VPN." It is revealed that Terracotta VPN is mainly targeting compromised Microsoft Windows servers. The VPN service consists of over 1,500 virtual private network nodes - and the numbers are constantly adding - procured through vulnerable servers around the world.

However, US states have adopted several new laws to prevent these attacks, and private companies are investing additional efforts in order to make the data security system more strong, particularly smaller companies who previously don't have rigorous data security.

Before creating the security, it is necessary to know how thieves enter into business and steal the data. It is not a new idea for thieves to earn through identity theft scam, earlier they used to filch paper files and find the information after hours of working on them, but now internet has made all the work easy for them. Here are some ways by which data breach occurs:

Some even the best of the employees make mistake; after we're all bound to make mistakes. But mistakenly leaking data could have a huge negative impact for both the employee and the company. This usually happens when employees violate data security policies for some reason and fall victim to the fraudulent people. It can also be caused at the loss of a laptop that contains unprotected PII.

Another ways of data breach includes sending the data over email or saving it in flash drives and taking out of the premises. Most of the time hackers devise a false scheme such as phishing, spear phishing, and social engineering. Innocent employees fall prey to them and reveal company's PII key.

To Evade the Threat of Identity Theft Business have Adopted Several Methods That includes:

Encryption Technology: Most of the businesses have adopted encryption to prevent personal identity theft (PII). In this method technologies such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and its successor Transport Layer Security (TLS) are used to encrypt data. Not only the online transmitting data are saved by encryption but data saved on various hard drives such as disk, tape, CD-ROM, or any other storage device can be protected with this technology. The thing to be notice here is encryption technology don't fight or resist against the hackers, instead it will make the stolen data in the wrong hands of hackers useless. Following are the steps that several corporations have taken to secure the data with encryption.

Read How to Prevent Identity Theft by Discovering the hackers behind Phishing e-mails and phone calls.
First identify the significant data that require encryption. It can be PII or some other data that are helpful and confidential in the growth of business.

Once data has been identified, next step is to determine the expiration time of the data.

Find the best encryption technologies according to the requirement of the data.

Several companies have created new set of policies and procedures where the correct uses of encryption technologies are defined.

Installing and training users.

Reviewing Commercial Agreements: Companies are getting more involved in knowing the bank's policies; they are indulging deeply before making any agreement. This gives a significant support if there's any fraudulent activity.

Monitoring Thoroughly Business Accounts: Reviewing the business accounts frequently, and alarming on any suspicious transaction. Besides concentrating more on online banking only, and avoiding any paper details.

More Cautious of Phishing Scams: Companies are providing additional training to their employees in order to recognize the phishing scams.

In addition to these methods, several other strategies, simple yet effective, are also company has adopted to secure PII data includes:

Anti-virus and anti-spyware protection

Firewall protection

Updated browsers and other software with security patches

Acquiring all these technologies and providing training to their employees have raised the cost of the companies. And it is not one time investment, in fact it is process. With the passing time as technology is getting update, the companies, concerned about security of customer's PII, also need to update the technologies and knowledge of their employees by giving them training. Thus it is a constant process of investment. However, companies include the same cost into their products and services, the similar way as they include the marketing cost, and sell the products at higher prices. However, paying a little extra for the security is appropriate or not that depends on individual to individual.

Read How to Prevent Identity Theft by Discovering the hackers behind Phishing e-mails and phone calls.

Article Source: [] What Are Businesses Doing To Prevent Identity Theft?

identity theft, data security, prevent identity theft, prevent identity, identity theft business

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.