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Best Anti-virus Application for Microsoft company windows 7

Although the pc rights Microsoft company sets in place may entice you to avoid purchasing third-party antivirus software, you should know that these rights are best used as a place to begin. Even though Microsoft company continually improves upon its built-in security systems, with each installment of Windows' built-in security getting better, third-party applications simply outshine Microsoft company Security Requirements. These built-in rights are designed for users who either try to get by without extra security software or don't realize other software applications are needed. However, reducing down the best antivirus for Microsoft company windows seven and your needs can seem like a daunting process. We analyzed the top artists and rated them based on their pros and cons to help you figure out the right program for you.
Read our Editors' review on Protect Your Computer From Viruses, Hackers, and Spies 

Test Results
The most essential aspect to consider when you search for the right security software applications are its capability to defend your pc against strikes. AV-Test, a well-respected independent analyze lab, tested every item we've analyzed and published its results. This lab analyzed the security abilities of each item by testing it against both brand-new risks and well-known, established viruses. By revealing hundreds of work stations networked to dozens of servers to ten million risks, AV-Test is able to determining which applications can keep your program safe quite accurately. Therefore, the performance of each Microsoft company windows seven antivirus program was the most significant element we used to find out our ratings.

The next factor we considered for Microsoft company windows seven antivirus security was the applications feature set. Generally, the more functions an antivirus program has, the more you can customize the security level of your pc. All antivirus applications for Microsoft company windows seven have the capability of discovering the different types of viruses, such as Trojan viruses, spyware, viruses and rootkits, and they can all automatically clean infected information, check out compacted information and isolate risks. Differences between these products emerge in the form of more advanced functions, such as the capability to secure your pc from strikes that occur when you turn the pc on (registry startup), create bootable rescue disks and check out USB storage devices. While you hunt for the right Microsoft company windows seven virus security, look for software that includes a number of extra functions that can help you secure your program from nasty viruses.
Read our Editors' review on Protect Your Computer From Viruses, Hackers, and Spies 

Although Microsoft company Security Requirements offers some security for your Microsoft company windows seven pc, it is best used as a temporary line of defense while you find the antivirus software that will serve your needs best. We found that Bitdefender, Kaspersky and Norton are the best options for Microsoft company windows seven antivirus security.

online cybersecurity ways to prevent online identity theft

Identity theft is a big crime in America. In 2003, the federal government passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act. This created a new crime called "Aggravated Identity Theft" and empowered the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with the authority to track the number of incidents and dollar value of losses due to identity theft.

These FTC studies have shown that pure identity theft (taking over someone's identity) have steadily been declining but that fraud complaints (partial identity theft) are on the rise. This means that the criminal element behind ID theft has switched from assuming someone's identity entirely to merely using enough of it to perpetrate fraudulent thefts through consumer credit and similar frauds.

It's estimated that identity theft is the fastest-growing white collar crime in the U.S. and that more than 8.5 million Americans fall victim to it every year. So, are there ways to prevent identity theft?
Yes, there are lots of ways to prevent identity theft. We'll look at the "big 3" that are most recommended as minimum safeguards against becoming a victim of this crime. Most ID theft experts list these three things as the bare minimum every American should be doing to protect themselves.

#1: Watch Those Websites
The first of our top 3 ways to prevent identity theft is learning what you should and shouldn't put into a website and what to look for to make sure it's safe. Most victims of credit card fraud and identity theft are initially targeted through Internet scams and websites. While shopping online is relatively safe, there are certain things you should always look for before you enter any information into an online consumer site.

First, know what site you're dealing with. If the site is a large, reputable company like Amazon or Sears, then you're on the way to verifying it's okay. Make sure that the URL (site address) begins with what you know is the company's real address. So if you're shopping on, make sure the website address is something like "" or "" so you know that you're really on Amazon's website and not a fake.

Next, look for the security seal on the site before you enter any information. When the site asks you for a credit card, checking account, or other information for payment (or personal information about you such as your social security number or driver's license info), make sure the transmission to the site is secure.

Do this in two ways: look for the "https" at the beginning of the site URL in your address bar-that "s" denotes "secure." Then look in the corner of your browser-usually to the bottom right-for a padlock that is closed, or "locked." This is the universal symbol for a secure connection.
Finally, if you have any doubts whatsoever about the website or its security, DO NOT give it any information. When in doubt, don't buy. Simple as that.

#2: Keep It Off the Phone
If you don't know who you're talking to, don't give out any useful information about your identity. That seems pretty simple, but it's amazing how many people will give out their mother's maiden name (a common "security question" for credit cards) or even Social Security number without much question.

"Fishing" is a form of building a profile for identity theft in which a criminal who has basic information (like a credit card number) will call to get enough information to take over the card and even take out new credit in the victim's name. The criminal will make phone calls pretending to be someone from the card company, one of the utilities, a bank, etc. and ask for information they need as if it were part of a customer service call. Many fall for this.

If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from a credit card, bank, or other company and they need identifying information from you, tell them you'll call them back through their recognized corporate number (which you will get yourself from a bill or the phone book). Tell them you don't give out personal information on the phone if you can't be sure who you're talking to. They should understand and wait for you to call them back.

This simple precaution can almost totally prevent your private information from being stolen. Simply because a criminal with a stolen credit card number only has one avenue to steal from you. A criminal with a stolen credit card and your personal information can wreak havoc on your entire credit profile and empty your bank accounts faster than you might think.

#3: Keep Them Safe
When you're at the store, in the mall, or when you park your car, keep your credit cards, identification, and other valuables safe. If you carry a wallet, keep it in a wallet near your body where you can feel it rather than in a purse. This makes it harder to steal. When you use a card, cover your hand while you enter the PIN number or make sure to give ID to the clerk (whether they ask or not) to remind them that the card could be stolen.

When you park your car to go into a store or your home, DO NOT leave your personal identification and credit cards behind! Take them with you no matter what. Even a one minute into the Post Office to grab your mail can result in your wallet or purse being stolen. It takes just a couple of seconds to open the car door or break the window and take your things.

Last but not least, if you have children, protect their Social Security numbers as you do your own. Just because they're children doesn't mean their SS numbers can't be used to take out credit!
Hopefully these three ways to prevent identity theft are enough to keep you from becoming a victim. Our lives are complicated enough without having to deal with ruined credit and months of work to clear your name from stolen credit. A few simple precautions could be the ways to prevent identity theft that keep yours safe.

there are other ways to protect yourself online, for more information just click this link - Avoid Identity Theft []

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understanding conficker computer worm and how to prevent it from happening

Back in 2008 when the Conficker worm first hit, I, like many other IT Professionals was caught unprepared. We all know how to take care of malware and things like malicious coding since we do that on a daily basis, both at home and at work. Having a good anti-virus and malware/spyware programs are essential so it's important that if you don't have an antivirus, that you read up on antivirus reviews and select a program that is right for you. 

However, these security programs should also be complemented by a strong backup plan. The Conficker worm was different in that it seemed to just keep coming. You couldn't really just remove it and that would be the end of it. I often had to use removal tools to get rid of viruses and other worms, but this one was unique. Conficker seemed to change and it ended up looking like a root kit infection even though it actually wasn't. So I will share some of my observations on the Conficker situation and if you take these steps outlined here, you really shouldn't have much trouble in the future should you get a similar worm.

Top-Best Antivirus Software for total online and Offline Computer Security.

Microsoft Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional were the two systems that were most targeted by the conficker worm. This is mainly because these two where the most widely used systems at the time. You see, what you have to understand is that Microsoft systems need to be updated regularly. This is because there are holes in the Operating system that people find and exploit. So Microsoft tries to find these flaws and patch them before they are exploited by a hacker. It's the same situation with your anti-virus, spyware/malware software. Having a program that protects you doesn't do you much good if it is not updated regularly. And don't ever think you don't need an antivirus, that way of thinking could be very dangerous. So check out antivirus reviews and get the best one you can find.

Keeping everything updated is one of the best approaches to avoiding a disaster. I know one big complaint from people is that running the updates is slow and very intrusive, and these complaints are valid. Updates do take time and do slow down computers. This is why a client-server model will use WSUS to update the systems locally instead of having each computer contact the Internet.

Another problem is people sometimes get so used to their computer running slow that they are clueless if they have been infected by the Conficker worm. This is because the major symptom of the Conficker is your computer running slow. So if you're used to your computer running slowly, it is likely you won't notice if you get infected by the Conficker. It's kind of a hit and miss when it comes to protection programs being able to spot the Conficker and remove it because as I said before, it just keeps coming back. But having a strong and updated antivirus will always help! If you need help selecting which antivirus is right for you, read antivirus reviews. While Conficker symptoms include a slow system, it also includes Pen drives failing to open, antivirus programs failing to update, and if you look more closely, you may notice some new files appearing. IT professionals will then start to get complaints that the user can no longer login.

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So how do we cure this kind of infection? It actually depends on whether you're an ordinary Joe using your computer at home or you are the administrator. Different situations require different solutions and many of these solutions can be found online. The first thing you have to do is to download and run a tool to remove the Conficker. Remember that when you run the Conficker removal tool you'll have to be disconnected from the Internet and any other networks that you might be connected to. The next thing you should do is install all the latest patches from Microsoft. This can be a very difficult task for a business' technician because he/she has the task of keeping the entire system up and running smoothly.

In situations like this it's important to look back at how we reacted and responded to this threat to determine what was done right and what was done wrong. What it comes down to is that most of us don't have a good enough plan in place to first, keep everything up to date and second, to keep everything properly backed up so a disaster could be prevented. We should always be ready to answer any threat because our jobs may depend on it. I can't emphasize enough the importance of keeping Microsoft, anti-virus and antispyware/anti-malware software updated.

In addition, we should backup our data and make system restore points regularly. It's also important to note that you should never overwrite your data with infected data contained in a recent backup. Keep some older backups to prevent this from happening. My fix for this involves temporarily disconnecting from the server, going after the Conficker worm on that one server and then to use the images to restore the system. This might take around 2 hours, including the testing that needs to be done. The software should come from the image or it was installed through MSI and silent install scripts. This will be done by the server itself after it's been cleaned of the worm. Afterwards, check and make sure that all the computers on the network have been properly patched. Run the tool to remove the Conficker worm on each computer just to be safe. Since everything was accomplished by the script, it was a pretty easy process.

Home users might encounter more problems recovering their data if they haven't made enough backups. However, there are many good recovery programs available for free online that can be used to help in this task. The main thing to learn from a Conficker worm attack is that one must always be ready and prepared for the absolute worst case scenario. Being ready means having the best software installed to combat these kinds of worms, including a strong antivirus software. If you have questions or you don't know which antivirus software to use, simply read antivirus reviews to find your answers.

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conficker worm,antivirus reviews,conficker worm attack,antivirus software,best antivirus

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.