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how to shop online and protect yourself in holiday season

Safe Online Shopping Tips for the Holiday Season

The shopping season is coming and if you’re a modern consumer you’re going to be doing at least some of your holiday shopping online. The problem is that some of the most dangerous places on the web aren’t places selling products and services. So while that super special deal on the hottest new toy or gadget might seem hard to resist, you’ll be paying for it time and again if you purchase from a compromised website.

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 

One of the worst things that can happen when you’re using the Internet is for your financial information to be compromised, but that’s exactly what can happen when you use the Internet for purchases. A third-party attacker can gain access to your financial information and wreak havoc on your bank account through malicious or fake websites.

If you plan to do any online shopping this year, it’s important to know how to identify a secure online website. The best way to protect yourself from cybercriminals is to be educated about online shopping threats, and the recourses available to you.

 Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 

What are fake and malicious websites?
A malicious website is a site that attempts to install malware onto your device for the purpose of stealing personal and financial information.

Fake websites are websites designed to look like legitimate websites, and can be disguised in a myriad of ways- popular online retailers, online banking portals, “mom and pop” e-commerce websites and more. However, these websites are just a scam looking to grab your financial and personal information leaving you with a drained bank account in return.

Ways to Stay Safe When Shopping This Holiday Season

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe:  


Cybersecurity is a two-pronged approach. While an Internet security suite can catch many of the digital threats out there, it’s also up to you to educate yourself about the other threats that are harder for Internet security suites can’t catch.

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe:  

  • Only use websites with HTTPS, the most secure way of conducting commerce on the Internet. Learn about how to determine a secure connection between a personal device and company website by understanding what SSL certificates are and how to recognize them.
  • If a website seems off, looks like it’s installing something or is asking permission to install codecs, you’re better off closing the tab and looking for the content elsewhere.
Software Resources:
  • Use a VPN when you browse. This encrypts your traffic so even if someone manages to eavesdrop, they’ll just have a bunch of encrypted data. VPNs, or virtual private networks, like Norton WiFi Privacy can turn Wi-Fi into secured private connections.
  • Always update your applications, most importantly your operating system and your security suite. Hackers use known security exploits, so when you update you’re closing the easiest door into your network.
  • Use a secure search engine such as Norton Safe Search. Norton Safe Search actively searches the web for the latest and most malicious security threats and leverages our online community to find compromised websites. Best of all, it’s free to use!
  • The gold standard is a full-service Internet security suite. Simple anti-virus programs aren’t enough anymore. A full-service security suite will keep you safe from emerging threats.
While nothing can keep you completely safe, Norton Safe Search, coupled with Norton’s full-service Internet security suite, goes a long way toward keeping you from being an easy target.

Online shopping doesn’t have to be risky. With just a few simple precautions you can keep your family finances safe.

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 


How To Recognize and Protect Yourself from Cybercrime

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 
Cybercrime is a growing threat in 2016. You might think that the only form of cybercrime you have to worry about is hackers stealing your financial information. Unfortunately there are far more concerns than just basic financial ones. When you see the full list of cybercrimes out there, you might be tempted to stop using the Internet entirely. However, such drastic measures are not necessary. All you need to do to protect yourself is take some basic precautions and know who to contact when you see others engaged in criminal activities online.

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 

What Is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is any crime that takes place online or primarily online. That can run the gamut from the aforementioned identity theft and other security breaches to things like “revenge porn,” cyber-stalking, harassment, bullying and even child sexual exploitation. Terrorists are collaborating more on the Internet, moving that most terrifying of crimes into cyberspace.

How to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime

There are some basic precautions everyone using the Internet should take to protect themselves from the gamut of cybercrimes out there:

1. Use a full-service Internet security suite such as Norton Security Premium to ensure that you are protecting yourself against viruses, as well as other emerging threats on the Internet.

2. Use strong passwords, don’t repeat your passwords on different sites and make sure to change your passwords regularly. A password management application can help you to keep your passwords locked down.

3. Keep all your software updated. This is most important with your operating systems and Internet security suites. Hackers are most likely to use known exploits in your software to gain access to your system. Patching those exploits makes it far less likely that you’re going to be a victim.

4. Manage your social media settings to keep most of your personal and private information locked down. Social engineering cybercriminals can often get your personal information with just a few data points, so the less you share with the broader world, the better.

5 .Secure your home network with a strong encryption password as well as a VPN. A VPN will encrypt all traffic leaving your devices until it arrives at its destination. Even if a hacker manages to get in your communication line, they won’t intercept anything but encrypted traffic.

6. Talk to your children about acceptable use of the Internet without shutting down communication channels. Make sure they know that they can come to you in the event that they’re experiencing any kind of online harassment, bullying or stalking.

7. Keep up to date on major security breaches. If you have an account on a site that’s been impacted by a security breach, find out what the hackers know and change your password immediately.

8. If you believe that you’ve become a victim of a cybercrime, you need to alert the local police and in some cases the FBI and the Federal Trade Commission. Even if the crime seems minor this is important, as you are helping to prevent criminals from taking advantage of other people in the future.

Get Secured from Cybercrimes using Norton Security Deluxe: 

Every American has an obligation to do their part in the fight against cybercrime. For most people, that just means following a few simple, common-sense steps to keep you and your family safe, as well as reporting cybercrimes to the relevant officials at the appropriate time. When you do that, you’re pulling your weight in the war on cybercrime.


protect your computer from online virus cyber threats and credit card hacking

Protect Your Computer From Viruses, Hackers, and Spies 
Today we use our computers to do so many things. We go online to search for information, shop, bank, do homework, play games, and stay in touch with family and friends. As a result, our computers contain a wealth of personal information about us. This may include banking and other financial records, and medical information - information that we want to protect. If your computer is not protected, identity thieves and other fraudsters may be able to get access and steal your personal information. Spammers could use your computer as a "zombie drone" to send spam that looks like it came from you. Malicious viruses or spyware could be deposited on your computer, slowing it down or destroying files.

By using safety measures and good practices to protect your home computer, you can protect your privacy and your family. The following tips are offered to help you lower your risk while you're online.
Install a firewall

A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that blocks hackers from entering and using your computer. Hackers search the Internet the way some telemarketers automatically dial random phone numbers. They send out pings (calls) to thousands of computers and wait for responses. Firewalls prevent your computer from responding to these random calls. A firewall blocks communications to and from sources you don't permit. This is especially important if you have a high-speed Internet connection, like DSL or cable.

Some operating systems have built-in firewalls that may be shipped in the "off" mode. Be sure to turn your firewall on. To be effective, your firewall must be set up properly and updated regularly. Check your online "Help" feature for specific instructions.
Use anti-virus software

Anti-virus software protects your computer from viruses that can destroy your data, slow down or crash your computer, or allow spammers to send email through your account. Anti-virus protection scans your computer and your incoming email for viruses, and then deletes them. You must keep your anti-virus software updated to cope with the latest "bugs" circulating the Internet. Most anti-virus software includes a feature to download updates automatically when you are online. In addition, make sure that the software is continually running and checking your system for viruses, especially if you are downloading files from the Web or checking your email. Set your anti-virus software to check for viruses when you first turn on your computer. You should also give your system a thorough scan at least twice a month.
Use anti-spyware software

Spyware is software installed without your knowledge or consent that can monitor your online activities and collect personal information while you surf the Web. Some kinds of spyware, called keyloggers, record everything you key in - including your passwords and financial information. Signs that your computer may be infected with spyware include a sudden flurry of pop-up ads, being taken to Web sites you don't want to go to, and generally slowed performance.

Spyware protection is included in some anti-virus software programs. Check your anti-virus software documentation for instructions on how to activate the spyware protection features. You can buy separate anti-spyware software programs. Keep your anti-spyware software updated and run it regularly.

To avoid spyware in the first place, download software only from sites you know and trust. Piggybacking spyware can be an unseen cost of many "free" programs. Don't click on links in pop-up windows or in spam email.
Manage your system and browser to protect your privacy

Hackers are constantly trying to find flaws or holes in operating systems and browsers. To protect your computer and the information on it, put the security settings in your system and browser at medium or higher. Check the "Tool" or "Options" menus for how to do this. Update your system and browser regularly, taking advantage of automatic updating when it's available. Windows Update is a service offered by Microsoft. It will download and install software updates to the Microsoft Windows Operating System, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and will also deliver security updates to you. Patching can also be run automatically for other systems, such as Macintosh Operating System.
Use a strong password - and keep it to yourself

Protect your computer from intruders by choosing passwords that are hard to guess. Use strong passwords with at least eight characters, a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. Don't use a word that can easily be found in a dictionary. Some hackers use programs that can try every word in the dictionary. Try using a phrase to help you remember your password, using the first letter of each word in the phrase. For example, HmWc@w2 - How much wood could a woodchuck chuck. Protect your password the same way you would the key to your home. After all, it is a "key" to your personal information.
Secure your wireless network

If you use a wireless network in your home, be sure to take precautions to secure it against hackers. Encrypting wireless communications is the first step. Choose a wireless router with an encryption feature and turn it on. WPA encryption is considered stronger than WEP.1 Your computer, router, and other equipment must use the same encryption. If your router enables identifier broadcasting, disable it. Note the SSID name so you can connect your computers to the network manually.2 Hackers know the pre-set passwords of this kind of equipment. Be sure to change the default identifier on your router and the pre-set administrative password. Turn off your wireless network when you're not using it.

Remember that public "hot spots" may not be secure. It's safest to avoid accessing or sending sensitive personal information over a public wireless network. You may also consider buying a mobile broadband card that will allow you to connect to the Internet without relying on Wi-Fi hot spots. A mobile broadband card is a device that plugs into your computer, laptop, PDA, or cell phone and uses a cell phone signal to provide high-speed Internet access. They are sold by cell phone companies and require a monthly service plan.
Be careful if you share files

Many consumers enjoy sharing digital files, such as music, movies, photos, and software. File-sharing software that connects your computer to a network of computers is often available for free. File-sharing can pose several risks. When connected to a file-sharing network, you may allow others to copy files you didn't intend to share. You might download a virus or bit of spyware that makes your computer vulnerable to hackers. You might also break the law by downloading material that is copyright protected.

When shopping online, check out the Web site before entering your credit card number or other personal information. Read the privacy policy and look for opportunities to opt out of information sharing. (If there is no privacy policy posted, beware! Shop elsewhere.) Learn how to tell when a Web site is secure. Look for "https" in the address bar or an unbroken padlock icon at the bottom of the browser window. These are signs that your information will be encrypted or scrambled, protecting it from hackers as it moves across the Internet.
Parents, take control

Don't let your children risk your family's privacy. Make sure they know how to use the Internet safely. For younger children, install parental control software that limits the Web sites kids can visit. But remember - no software can substitute for parental supervision.


protect your computer pc from virus with best 2017 antivirus, McAfee 2017 Total Protection, kaspersky anti-virus 2017, norton total internet security

A computer virus protection is responsible for detecting the virus threats in the system and taking necessary actions. However, keeping the increased cyber crimes in mind you can’t afford to rely on these software merely. You need to be sure of how to protect Your Computer from virus if virus protection fails.

Before your choice of Complete Antivirus, internet security software for the best buy and downloads, read the PC editors' choice software Here.

There are certain things that you need to do on your part in order to protect your system from the hazards of viruses and malware and also to protect your personal data and identity. Listed below are a few tips that will help you to ensure that our system is safe and secure and also protect your private information:

·         Mails from strangers: Do not open files that come as attachments with e-mails from some strangers or suspicious websites. There are spam folders where the spam e-mails are supposed to land up; however, in reality, there are many spam e-mails that get into your main inbox while some important mails go to the spam folder even if someone known to you mails you for the first time.

·         Unexpected subjects in mail: Do not download attachments in a mail that has an unexpected or suspicious subject.

·         Chain e-mails and Junk e-mails: Do not reply to or forward chain e-mails or junk mails or any other unwanted message popping up through your mailbox. 

·         Regular Back-ups: Keep back-ups of the important files in your system in a pen drive or portable hard disk. In doing so, even if virus destroys the files present in the system, you will not suffer much. 

·         Avoid Instant Messaging: Instant Messaging helps us to keep in touch with our friends and also assists in official communication. However, it poses threat to your security since it infects your system with worms and Trojans. 

·         Beware of Internet Scams: There are hundreds of people ready to cheat on you by offering you fake job opportunities or asking for your bank account details. You should not get fooled by them and also should not respond to mails declaring you to be the winner of some lucky-draw. 

·         Settings of Your Browser: You must change the privacy settings of your browser so that whenever you search for something in the net using that browser, your identity is not exposed.   

Before your choice of Complete Antivirus, internet security software for the best buy and downloads, read the PC editors' choice software Here.

·         User Account Control: User Account Control (UAC) gives you the opportunity to control the changes in your system. As an administrator, you have the right to approve or reject any change occurring in your system. 

·         Don’t Use Multiple Antivirus Programs: Some people think that more than one antivirus will multiply the degree of security of their system. However, as we all know, “too many cooks spoil the broth”. Multiple antivirus programs in the same system will increase complications and lead to problems. 

·         Use Remote Chat Support: Remote Chat Support is a great idea to let others solve issues that you face from a distant location. Most of the antivirus software companies have provisions for remote chat support so that whenever you face any trouble the representatives will take over the control of your system and sort out the problem from a distance.

Before your choice of Complete Antivirus, internet security software for the best buy and downloads, read the PC editors' choice software Here.

 The best way to protect yourself from online identity theft credit card data breach and hacking hackers with firewall antivirus softwareeven when you have an antivirus in your system would be to choose the best antivirus in the market.

computer viruses that can be harmful for your System Spyware, Root kit, Trojan Horse, Malware and spyware viruse

5 computer viruses that can be harmful for your System
Virus is malicious software that is developed to infect computers and can even invade sensitive information inside your computer. The mention of the word “Virus” is itself very scary and enough to cause concern to your mind. Each day, we hear about these viruses but unaware about what they exactly are and how they work. Before we understand about which all type of viruses can be dangerous to your system, we must understand what is the reason why these viruses attack? With the right kind of knowledge about these viruses, you will be able to know how to Protect Your Computer from virus and keep your system free from virus attacks.

Reasons why deadly viruses to attack:
Computer viruses are designed to exploit the vulnerabilities in operating system of your PC or laptop. It can gain access to your system via networked access or from other hardware or software access. The purpose of these software bugs are to breach the internal information, drives, folders or even gain financial access inside your system. Computer viruses protection has become a key concern with the increase in number of virus attacks on system. In order to damage the system, viruses modify the system code, create files, or even damage the computer functioning by making it slow in operations or stopping the complete operation. This hampers the functioning of computer in proper ways. Before it is too later, it is imperative to install antivirus software that can help protect your system from these viruses. 

Malware and spyware viruses are the most notorious bugs that cause one of the most common types of damages on internet over the years. We often come across various new types of credit card thefts these days. Viruses have been built by hackers to access your personal information in system thereby causing concern of credit card protection. With the usage of internet growing, the flow of information is also causing high rate of virus infections spreading on internet. Below are some of the categories of antivirus software that should be kept in mind and understood. 

With the right kind of knowledge about these viruses, you will be able to know how to Protect Your Computer from virus and keep your system free from virus attacks.
·        Trojan Horse- this type of internet virus is one of the most common and spreads after downloading an infected file from email, internet or by transferring an infected file from another hardware device.
·         Worm – Another virus that has caused a lot of concern over the years is worm. It is a type of malware which self-replicates without any user intervention. It can cause disruption of communication, network or normal functioning of system by creating copies of folder or files. 

·         Root kit- It is a computer bug that modifies the system files and allows the hackers to access computer system without notifying or getting detected by your system. It can cause modification of your key system files so it is important to get rid of this virus from your system. 

·         Backdoor exploitation- the name says it all. This virus is designed by the hackers especially to of more attacking your computer system. It can infection in systems and exploits the system security.
·         Spyware- These are one of the most common type of infection that targets the performance of your system. It can come inside your system causing changes in your system. However these can be easily removed from system with usage of proper antivirus software. 

In order to get rid of these viruses, it is important to understand how to buy antivirus software online from a recognized company so that it can take care of advanced malware and spyware attacks. Apart from this, it is important to keep your system updated with latest software installed. 

With the right kind of knowledge about these viruses, you will be able to know how to Protect Your Computer from virus and keep your system free from virus attacks.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.