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Prevent Identity-Theft

There is no doubt that the internet has made life more convenient and easier than what it was before. 
However, it has also brought with it various online threats and risks that one faces while using internet facilities for banking, email, online shopping, etc. Online identity theft is a crime by which criminals mimic individuals to obtain monetary gain and also other documentations. It results in loss of personal data like usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, banking information, etc. There are various ways by which you can protect yourself from online identity theft credit card data breach and hacking.
· Try to avoid sharing personal information with anyone over phone, or through message or email. Emails and text messages can be sent from fraud accounts that look legitimate. Even caller ID can be made to appear legal. So, refrain from sharing data via these routes.

·Safeguard personal computer and smart phone by using updated and strong security software. Installing best customer virus protection and credit card protection can be a great way to protect against credit card fraud and other online thefts. Always install the operating system updates.

·Try to limit the use of debit card to ATMs only as the law provides less protection from liability when debit cards are illegally used for retail shopping as compared to credit cards. Further, the bank may freeze the bank account to which the debit card is tied up with while scrutinizing any unlawful use of debit card.

·Make use of strong and distinctive password for every account using a combination of symbols, numbers, small letters and capital letters. Usage of same password for all accounts leads to identity theft because of the risk of stealing data breach at a company with which online business is done. Weak passwords are easier for hacking by the experts.

·Never click on a link that has been sent while doing any online activity because phishing scams are very easy to recognize. So, indulge in knowing how to spot any scam and spam. Make use of search engines to get the legitimate website instead of clicking on the links directly.

·One of the most important parts in online security is the usage of some common security questions for which the identity thief might difficult to get the answer. The fundamental point is to give some irrelevant and meaningless answers to security questions that the thief can never guess.

·In case of stolen or lost cards, lock the credit at a minimum cost so that no new credit is provided without further data and information. This is because many a times criminals use the lost or stolen ID’s to get new lines of credit.

Individuals become the victims of online identity thefts through various types of exploits. This can happen by stealing mail from the mailbox, making duplicate copy of credit card, downloading malware, spyware in smart phones and computers to steal data, using insecure wireless networks, etc. Installing best selling antivirus software and other online identity protection systems along with following the above rules will help to protect and monitor the online identity and reduce the risks of identity theft and hacking.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.