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How To Prevent online Credit Card Theft: By Irem Bright C'mezie

How To Prevent Credit Card Theft?
Are you scared of using your credit card online because of the increasing accounts that you hear about online credit card frauds, identity thefts and other scams? Yes, the situation could be really scary, but do not worry there are ways to prevent credit card fraud. Preventing credit card fraud is possible by following certain basic safety measures. Here are some of the important factors for your consideration.

Get into the habit of checking your monthly statements regularly
Many a time fraudulent credit card transactions take place for smaller amounts whereby the credit card owner is unlikely to suspect such fraudulent transactions especially if they use credit cards extensively. It is therefore important to check your credit card statements regularly and match with your expenses. If there are any items that do not match with your actual expenses then it is important to report it immediately.

Never share your credit card information in any instant messengers
It is highly recommended that you do not share your credit card information online even in your instant messenger chats such as Whatsapp or Google Hangout chats. If you are seriously looking for helpful ways on how to prevent credit card theft online or if you are keen on avoiding identitytheft, then this is one point that you cannot afford to make mistakes. 
You might have all the information available online on how to prevent credit card theft but if you do not follow them carefully then you are subjecting yourself to unnecessary risks. All that it takes is to keeping to few online security basics. Here are few such basics:
-        Shop only in trusted e-commerce websites.
-        Do not click on dubious links that come to your mail offering exceptional discounts or freebies.
-     Check whether the website you are using to shop is SSL protected. SSL protection prevents third party interception during the credit card transactions.
-        If the checkout page is not working, do not make multiple attempts, it is better to report the problem to the online store’s customer support and shop at a different time once the issues are resolved.
-        As much as possible type the website address of the e-commerce site that you want to use rather than clicking on links in your emails. The links may read one thing but the landing page will be totally something else.
-        Always shop only from secure computers that have antivirus, spyware and firewalls enabled.

     Rather than using credit cards online for every purchase, you could think of third party payment processing systems, which will reduce the number of times or the frequency at which you will be exposing your credit card details online. 

This will also minimize the risks of credit card frauds and online identity thefts. You need to however, identify the most trusted payment processors. 

There are number of trusted services such as Skrill, PayPal, etc. Abiding by these basic safety factors will go a long way in protecting you from online credit card frauds.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.