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How to Delete Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Virus - Stop Harassing Phishing E-Mails Easily
By Bob L Walker

Whether it's a 'Facebook Password Reset Confirmation' e-mail or and 'Update Your Information' e-mail, it can difficult to tell what is a legitimate message and what is a phishing e-mail. The problem with phishing e-mails is that they are designed by hackers who hope to trick you into sending them your log-in details, your password details, and worse, such as your bank account numbers and other sensitive information. Without adequate protection, millions of people are affected by stolen identity and stolen funds every year due to phishing sites and phishing e-mails. Let's understand how to keep our computers clean and our identities safe.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

The most common phishing e-mail as of late is the 'Facebook Password Reset Confirmation', because Facebook has quickly become one of the world's most popular websites. This means more people are available to be tricked, and hackers use their wall posts, their private messaging, and more to send strange shortened URLs that lead their friends and families to websites loaded with spyware, keyloggers, and viruses, just waiting to be downloaded. The threats are out there, and they are real. It's no longer safe to browse through e-mail messages and click links without adequate protection.

In the Facebook e-mail example, the message will read as follows: "Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed. You can find your new password in attached document. Thanks, The Facebook Team." The problem is, that the attachment that is supposed to contain your new password instead installs a piece of malware on your system, which will block your programs and take control of your PC.

To remove the Facebook Password Reset Confirmation virus, you will have to stop the process labeled "isqsys32.exe" and delete the wiaservg.log and isqsys32.exe files in your %AppData% and %Programs% folders. You must use extra care when deleting system files, however, because if you delete the wrong file you will end up paying hundreds of dollars in PC technician fees.

Because of the risks involved, I suggest automatic removal software. The programs that I use, and that my clients use, are lightweight, and super-effective. The best part about automatic removal tools is that they will protect you as you surf the web and as you download files in the future. You will be alerted instantly when you are on an unsafe site or have downloaded an unsafe file. No more threats of identity theft and monetary theft.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

Tired of risking your safety and security due to phishing e-mails and phishing sites? []Remove Facebook Password Reset Virus quickly and safely; start with a free scan at my website.

Bob Walker is a veteran IT consultant with over twenty years of experience in the industry. He's helped clean up the computers of everyone from fortune 500 organizations to individual users and families. His website is dedicated to anti-spyware and virus removal research, where he ranks the most efficient anti-spyware and anti-virus programs currently available.

Read: How to Protect, Manage and Reset your password in order to prevent Identity Theft

Article Source: [] How to Delete Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Virus - Stop Harassing Phishing E-Mails Easily

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Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.