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Identity Theft And How To prevent online identity theft: By Irem Bright C'mezie

What Is Identity Theft And How To Avoid It?
Identity theft refers to impersonation of your personal data by antisocial elements who try to steal your money in some way or the other. The internet is such a great tool that simplifies our life but it has also its downside. At various points of time, we share important information online thinking that they are insignificant. Some of the details we share online without thinking of the consequences are our full name, phone numbers, residential address, your date of birth, work place address, credit card details, policy numbers, debit card information and other such sensitive data. 

These might look like bits and pieces of information and individually they may not have any special significance. However when they are compiled, one can easily reconstruct your profile and misuse it robbing you of your money. Identity theft has become a sort of institutionalized crime with people systematically working on stealing information. Identity thieves also use your profile in other situations such as fraudulent transactions, job applications, terrorist activities, fraudulent driving licenses etc.
Ways to prevent identity theft
Are you scared to read about all these and wondering how to prevent identity theft? Here are few important tips that show you how to avoid identity theft. 

One of the important pieces of information that every identity thief will require is your social security number. You should not share your social security number randomly with people. Do so only when you think that it is necessary. It is not a good idea to carry your social security card in your wallet. It is also not a good idea to share them online. 
Invariably, all of us use computers and use them extensively to shop online. Make sure that your computers are fully secured. You should have the latest or the most up to date antivirus program installed in your computer and it should be enabled all the time. Keep your firewalls in your computer turned on all the time. Do not forget to install anti-spyware program in your computer. 

These security measures will help you save you from identity theft and it will also prevent credit card theft. Another important factor to remember here with regard to credit card identity theft is that you should check your credit card statements carefully for purchases or expenses that you have not incurred.

It is also a recommended good habit to get your own annual credit report. This will help you keep a tab on your identity and if there is something wrong, you will be able to take immediate action to rectify the situation. 
One of the major reasons for identity thefts is our own carelessness. We are reckless with our personal information. Basic precautions will go a long way in protecting your online identity and your credit card. Always access online shopping sites from a fully secured computer and use only trusted online stores to shop. Think twice before you share any sensitive personal information online.

How To Prevent online Credit Card Theft: By Irem Bright C'mezie

How To Prevent Credit Card Theft?
Are you scared of using your credit card online because of the increasing accounts that you hear about online credit card frauds, identity thefts and other scams? Yes, the situation could be really scary, but do not worry there are ways to prevent credit card fraud. Preventing credit card fraud is possible by following certain basic safety measures. Here are some of the important factors for your consideration.

Get into the habit of checking your monthly statements regularly
Many a time fraudulent credit card transactions take place for smaller amounts whereby the credit card owner is unlikely to suspect such fraudulent transactions especially if they use credit cards extensively. It is therefore important to check your credit card statements regularly and match with your expenses. If there are any items that do not match with your actual expenses then it is important to report it immediately.

Never share your credit card information in any instant messengers
It is highly recommended that you do not share your credit card information online even in your instant messenger chats such as Whatsapp or Google Hangout chats. If you are seriously looking for helpful ways on how to prevent credit card theft online or if you are keen on avoiding identitytheft, then this is one point that you cannot afford to make mistakes. 
You might have all the information available online on how to prevent credit card theft but if you do not follow them carefully then you are subjecting yourself to unnecessary risks. All that it takes is to keeping to few online security basics. Here are few such basics:
-        Shop only in trusted e-commerce websites.
-        Do not click on dubious links that come to your mail offering exceptional discounts or freebies.
-     Check whether the website you are using to shop is SSL protected. SSL protection prevents third party interception during the credit card transactions.
-        If the checkout page is not working, do not make multiple attempts, it is better to report the problem to the online store’s customer support and shop at a different time once the issues are resolved.
-        As much as possible type the website address of the e-commerce site that you want to use rather than clicking on links in your emails. The links may read one thing but the landing page will be totally something else.
-        Always shop only from secure computers that have antivirus, spyware and firewalls enabled.

     Rather than using credit cards online for every purchase, you could think of third party payment processing systems, which will reduce the number of times or the frequency at which you will be exposing your credit card details online. 

This will also minimize the risks of credit card frauds and online identity thefts. You need to however, identify the most trusted payment processors. 

There are number of trusted services such as Skrill, PayPal, etc. Abiding by these basic safety factors will go a long way in protecting you from online credit card frauds.

prevent computer virus attack hacking cybercrime cybersecurity with anitvirus internet security software

Tips On How to Protect Computer From Hacking: By Irem Bright Chimezie
The number of cybercrimes (cyber security issues) including computer hacking and identity thefts are increasing day by day. You are required to take adequate precautionary measures to protect yourself against such menaces.

Here are some key tips on how to prevent hacking.
#1 Make sure that you have up to date antivirus software installed in your computer and it is enabled. Most of the basic threats could be avoided by ensuring this primary level of protection enabled in your computer. The antivirus software that you install should have real time protection so that threats could be stopped before they manifest themselves in your computer.

#2 If you have been looking for ways and means on how to prevent hacking on your computer then make it a point to keep your computer firewalls on all the time in your computer. Do not allow too many exceptions to your firewall.
#3 The third level of protection that you should implement when you are looking for ways on how to prevent computer hacking is by installing an antispyware program in your computer. You can choose an antivirus program that also protects your computer from spyware. What spyware programs do is to send out data to unauthorized third parties regarding your online behavior and sensitive information from your computer such as user names and passwords, credit card details and banking information. They result in identity thefts. If you want to prevent identity theft, it is important to install a powerful antispyware in your computer.

#4 Enable automatic OS updates. Regardless of whether you are using Windows or MAC OS, you need to ensure that your operating system is updated regularly. These updates may not essentially change the way how your computer or laptop works but it better equips your computer from external threats. These updates also fine tunes your computer’s operations. Many people disable their regular Windows or MAC updates thinking them as nuisance. If that is what you too are doing, immediately change your settings to automatic updates.
#5 It is not enough to surf the web checking for information on ‘how to protect computer from hacking’ what is more important is to cultivate healthy browsing habits. You should not download files from random sources. Most importantly, never download anything when your antivirus and your spyware software programs are down in your computer.

#6 If you do not have the habit of switching off your computer or laptop, then it is high time that you cultivate that habit. Switch off your device when you are not using it and in particular, it is a good practice to switch off your device when you go to bed. This will deter the hackers and attackers because when you switch of your device it breaks the connection and prevents the hackers from having unlimited or ongoing access to your system. So pulling off the plugs is equally important.
Do not think that these are simple tips and hence you could ignore them. They are simple and easy to follow tips but highly effective in preventing hackers from getting into your computer.

how to Protect Your Computer from virus, spyware, hacking hackers with firewall antivirus software

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The same advice parents might deliver to young drivers on their first solo journey applies to everyone who wants to navigate safely online. A special agent in our Cyber Division offered the following:
- “Don’t drive in bad neighborhoods.” - “If you don’t lock your car, it’s vulnerable; if you don’t secure your computer, it’s vulnerable.”
- “Reduce your vulnerability, and you reduce the threat.”

Below are some key steps to protecting your computer from intrusion:

- Keep Your Firewall Turned On: A firewall helps protect your computer from hackers who might try to gain access to crash it, delete information, or even steal passwords or other sensitive information. Software firewalls are widely recommended for single computers. The software is prepackaged on some operating systems or can be purchased for individual computers. For multiple networked computers, hardware routers typically provide firewall protection.

- Install and Update Your Antivirus Software: Antivirus software is designed to prevent malicious software programs from embedding on your computer. If it detects malicious code, like a virus or a worm, it works to disarm or remove it. Viruses can infect computers without users’ knowledge. Most types of antivirus software can be set up to update automatically.

- Install and Update Your Antispyware Technology: Spyware is just what it sounds like—software that is surreptitiously installed on your computer to let others peer into your activities on the computer. Some spyware collects information about you without your consent or produces unwanted pop-up ads on your web browser. Some operating systems offer free spyware protection, and inexpensive software is readily available for download on the Internet or at your local computer store. Be wary of ads on the Internet offering downloadable antispyware—in some cases these products may be fake and may actually contain spyware or other malicious code. It’s like buying groceries—shop where you trust.

- Keep Your Operating System Up-to-Date: Computer operating systems are periodically updated to stay in tune with technology requirements and to fix security holes. Be sure to install the updates to ensure your computer has the latest protection.

- Be Careful What You Download: Carelessly downloading e-mail attachments can circumvent even the most vigilant anti-virus software. Never open an e-mail attachment from someone you don’t know, and be wary of forwarded attachments from people you do know. They may have unwittingly advanced malicious code.

- Turn Off Your Computer: With the growth of high-speed Internet connections, many opt to leave their computers on and ready for action. The downside is that being “always on” renders computers more susceptible. Beyond firewall protection, which is designed to fend off unwanted attacks, turning the computer off effectively severs an attacker’s connection—be it spyware or a botnet that employs your computer’s resources to reach out to other unwitting users.

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For more information on Internet schemes and how to protect yourself online, see the following areas:

Top Three best computer Antivirus Software by Irem Bright Chimezie

Top Three Antivirus Software

Are you in the process of selecting the best antivirus software products? Yes, it can be highly confusing especially when you have so many options right before you. Let us look at three best selling antivirus software product (in This will give you better idea in choosing best antivirus for your own needs.

The following three antivirus tools are the best sellers:

·         Norton Security Deluxe 
·         Avast Antivirus 

Norton Security Deluxe  works on both Windows and Mac platforms. It is compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Mac OS X. This software also protects Android and iOS gadgets. In other words, you do not need two different antivirus programs one for your computing devices and another for your mobile gadgets.

You can choose to buy protection for 3 devices or 5 devices.
One of the best parts is that this antivirus will give you real time browsing protection. You will get warnings when you are about to visit unsafe websites. 

This deluxe version of Norton Antivirus program gives you protection against viruses, spyware, malware, phishing, software vulnerabilities and online browsing threats.
Other features include online identity protection, real time email scanning, risky android app warning, multiple device protection with single subscription (3 to 5 devices based on subscription). The best part is that Norton antivirus software comes with 100% money back guarantee.

This antivirus program works with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. Some of the key features of Avast Antivirus 2015 come with interesting features such as single click home network security function. The latest version of Avast Antivirus comes with faster scanning capabilities. The software is capable of scanning .EXE files twice faster. The scanning rate of other regular files, documents and web pages is 10 times faster.

The software comes with daily updates. The company promises a minimum of 250 micro updates that will enhance your protection level. The enhanced User Interface makes the software even more user friendly. 

McAfee allows you single subscription for multiple devices. In other words, you just need to add your devices to your existing subscription and you do not need multiple licenses for different devices.
McAfee Total Protection software comes with 24/7 support all through your subscription period. Protects your PC or your device from becoming a hub for spreading malware and other Trojans. The best part is that you will be able to add unlimited number of devices under the same license. The tool deletes all the threatful files permanently to give complete protection. 

McAfee also comes with antispam feature whereby the software will block spam mails being downloaded to your inbox. McAfee software also comes with parental control feature as one of its standard functions. All your user names and passwords could be safely stored using the True Key App. The software also allows you to protect sensitive files with advanced encryption.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.