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how to protect yourself from online compter virus attack risks using antivirus software by Irem Bright Chimezie

Important Tips To Protect Yourselves From Online Computer Risks: by Irem Bright Chimezie
It is true that the internet makes life easy and that it even makes our life very interesting. At the same time, all these benefits do come with a certain amount of risks. If you are careless, you could end up losing money, your sensitive data and even lose your identity. This should not make you paranoid; the good news is that there are effective ways and means to keep yourself guarded against these online computer risks such as the use of free spyware remover. Here are few useful tips that will help you safeguard yourself from such risks.
Computer virus protection is a good starting point
A very good way to get started is to have reliable computer virus protection installed. Viruses can find their entry into your computer through number of ways. It can be through the online media files that you download from unwarranted sources, through email attachments or through downloading of software applications from bad sites. Avoid downloading files from random online sources. Most importantly, keep your computer virus protection software up to date and do not let the subscription lapse. 
How to protect from spyware
Spyware is another important area that needs your attention. Spyware is used to extract information such as your keystrokes to capture your passwords, credit card details and other sensitive information. How to protect from spyware? There are number of free spyware remover tools available online. Remember to use only trusted spyware remover tools. Many a times, spyware removal tools that you download and install from unknown sources turnout to be spyware programs themselves. In such cases, you are inviting unnecessary trouble yourself. You will therefore need to review multiple spyware removal tools available online and read feedbacks from people that have used them so that you can reduce your risks while downloading spyware removal tools. 
How to prevent credit card fraud?
While shopping online has become almost a popular culture globally, are you wondering how to prevent credit card fraud or how to avoid credit card theft? When you are making use of your credit card for online shopping purposes, you need to take certain basic precautionary measures. One of the ways of preventing credit card frauds and credit card thefts is to reduce frequency of credit card use. This does not mean you should not shop online; instead, you could make use of third party payment processors. This however may involve a certain amount of service fee given the risk factors involved, it is worth incurring that little expense. 
Secondly, you should make sure that you are shopping only in websites with SSL certificate whereby the transactions cannot be intercepted by unauthorized third parties. Do not be lured by the incredible offers and discounts that you see in websites that have bad reputation. Some of these offers are just used as bait. You need to use your discretion while shopping online. 

As a rule of thumb, before you go away clicking impulsively in your enthusiasm to shop, stop for a moment to check whether you are in a safe place.

 The following topics have been derived from the previous keyword search already recommended to me by your team.
(1) How to protect yourself from online computer virus attack.
(2) How to protect yourself from online personal data breach and hacking
(3) How to prevent your personal identity and credit card information from being hacked with internet computer virus attack.
(4) How to remove security loopholes to protect yourself on the internet and avoid data breach/leakage and online virus    attack.
(5) How to protect your digital devices from cyber-security breach
(6) how to prevent hacking on your computer
(7) how to prevent and avoid credit card theft and fraud online
(8)  how to install, activate best antivirus software and do on-demand scanning  of computer and emails
(9) how to buy the bestselling antivirus software for your protection online
(10) how to ensure adequate spyware protection and computer virus security for your computers online on the internet.

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.