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antivirus software online update is very important


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To ensure smooth running of the different programs in a computer and to protect it from various security threats, anti-virus software is a must. Once you are sure of how to select best computer antivirus software you need to answer the next question which is how to use an antivirus software effectively.  However, simply buying the best antivirus software is not sufficient. One needs to update it regularly. One should also remember to renew the subscription to antivirus software.

Hackers are constantly trying to find out new loopholes in the system so that they can make their way through. For this, they constantly create new malware and viruses to hack personal computers. The virus database needs to be updated from time to time so that the computer is well-equipped to fight against the new threats. Without proper updates, the software would be virtually ineffective in protecting a computer against possible threats.

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The updates can be downloaded and installed automatically. The settings of a computer can be changed in such a way so that automatic checking for updates takes place and the user is notified of the newer updates. He can go for the download and installation process of that particular update in his convenient time provided he gets access to internet connection. Another option is to change the settings for auto-download and auto-installation so that the updates keep on downloading and installing on their own. One does not need to worry about updates of antivirus software at all and does not require to invest his valuable time or energy for it. However, a proper internet connection is required in order to support the proper scheduling and installation of updates. 

One can schedule the timings for routine scans keeping in mind that the system will be connected to the internet at that time. In doing so, the software comes up with notification pop ups whenever there is a need for updates.
In case a user is not comfortable with automatic scheduling of updates in the computer, he or she can update the software manually. For this, one needs to go to the Control Panel after clicking the start button. Next, “System and Security” needs to be selected after which he must choose “Review your Computer’s Status”. The antivirus software would be listed under the “Virus Protection” if the operating system can detect it. By clicking on the update button, one can begin the process of updating.

In case the Action Center does not display the antivirus software, one must go the official website of the antivirus company. From the “download” section, he or she needs to choose the version that is suitable for his system and then start updating it. For any kind of assistance, the “Help” icon must be clicked. 

The antivirus updates are normally free. However, some companies charge a nominal amount for the update. Also, in case the older version of the antivirus software does not support the updates, a newer version needs to be bought. 

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Without frequent updates, the antivirus software is of little value. So, in order to keep our system’s protection up-to-date, we should not only install antivirus software that features among the Top Three best computer Antivirus Software in market but also keep a check on its regular update process.         

Two things to bear in Mind while we talk about Protecting yourself Online in order to Prevent Online Identity Theft and being Victim of Cyber-Criminals:

A. Keep in mind that antivirus software protects only your device, not your internet connection. It’s only Secured and Protected Virtual Private Network, VPN can securely protect your internet connection communications between your computer device, servers and websites.

B. A VPN is a must-have utility to protect your privacy and prevent hackers and snoopers from stealing your personal information.